Your Money, Amplified

Your dollar isn't just cash. It's a catalyst for positive change. Unleash the true potential of your money.

Get started. It's free!

Free Forever. No Credit Card.

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What our customers are saying

Nothing motivates us more than helping our users budget with ease, make sense of their finances, and achieve their financial goals productively and joyfully!

Annual projections

“Good Steward proved to be an excellent way for me to manage my household finances. It handles annual projections better than any app I’ve seen. The category filters work intuitively, which saves me loads of time.”

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Experienced Budgeteer

Game changer

“I’m thankful for the free version, and I’m thankful for the privacy focus. The ability to forecast my budget over 12 months is a game changer. Support has also been really helpful when I’ve had questions.”

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Ex Mint User

Good to be in control

"I just started budgeting and it’s amazing to feel in control of my spending for the first time. I use Good Steward because the layout really works for my brain. I am looking forward to long term planning for my family."

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Novice Budgeteer

Love the flexibility

"I swore I would never give up my spreadsheets but I love what Good Steward is building! The software is flexible enough for all my weird budget categories and I love that they're constantly working to make it better."

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Spreadsheet Convert
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What you get for free

Our mission is to make budgeting easy and accessible for EVERYONE!
Starting with a free version. FOREVER!

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1. Budget Template & Yearly Planning

Proactively plan for the whole year and make meaningful projections.

2. Comprehensive Rule Engine

Create rules to automate transaction tracking and categorization to save time.

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3. Scheduled Transactions

Schedule transactions to never forget again.

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4. Data Import  & Guided Onboarding

Onboard easily whether you need to import data or are starting from scratch.

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5. Budget Tracking & Comparison

Track spending vs budget and always be in the know.

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6. Custom Reports on Trends & Stats

Analyze your financial data to make sense of the big picture.

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Why choose us

What sets us apart

Privacy First

We are local first by default. Your data stays on your device and keeps your privacy and security under your control, unless you opt in for us to sync your data.

Budget for Free

You shouldn’t have to pay a big chunk of change in order to manage your money... That feels really ironic! With Good Steward you can choose to have the free version for as long as you want.

Proactive Planning

Budgeting monthly only gets you so far. To truly manage your finances, we help you see the big picture and plan for the future.

Purpose Driven

We want to help you discover the joy of financial stewardship so you can not just survive — you can save and give too!


What's coming up

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Future Goals

We will provide easy ways to set up multiple goals, and track your progress, both for yourself and for good causes!

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Assets & Liabilities

We will enable you to effectively track and manage your assets, your liabilities, as well as keeping an eye on your overall net worth!

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Mobile App

We will publish mobile apps for both Apple and Android, so that you can plan, update, and track your finances on the go!

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Secret Sauce!

Ever feel overwhelmed by budget fatigue / anxiety? We have a technical solution for that! Stay tuned, it’s a game changer!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why steward?
Free forever? Sounds too good to be true.
What’s the difference between the free tier and paid tiers?
Can I access Good Steward on multiple devices?
Is my data secure?
Can I switch to Good Steward from Mint without starting over?
How will I get help or support?
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